Eat Earlier, Live Longer

Your weekly health brief.

Date & Issue

January 2024

Week 3

General Health πŸ‘½

In a large study with a 7-year follow-up, researchers found that people whose first and last meals were earlier had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those who ate later.

Researchers analyze the global incidences of laboratory-acquired infections (LAIs) and accidental pathogen escapes from 2000 to 2021.

With more of us looking for alternatives to eating animals, new research has found a surprising environmentally friendly source of protein – algae.

Mind & Brain 🧠

Does thinking about faith make religious people more likely to take leaps? A new study says yes, finding that participants were likelier to take risks when thinking about God as a benevolent protector.

Certain facial features - like downturned lips and a heavy brow - are known to make someone appear untrustworthy to others, even though these do not indicate a person's actual character. Such facial biases influence our everyday social interactions and high-stakes decisions, including who we hire or elect to political office.

Longevity & Ageing ⏳

Taurine levels decrease significantly with age; supplementation leads to substantial health improvements in mice and monkeys. Human trials are needed to confirm these findings.

🌟 Thank you for joining us 

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for taking the time to read our newsletter. As qualified doctors, we want to learn more about optimising our health and the health of our loved ones with accurate and evidence-based information in an era where misinformation can cloud our understanding of health. We’re also the first to share this with the public because we believe that everyone deserves access to credible health insights.

πŸ’¬ Your feedback is invaluable to us

Feedback fuels our motivation to continually improve and refine our content. Whether it's a suggestion or a correction, we welcome your input with open arms. After all, our goal is to cater to our combined curiosity and answer health-related questions. Just reply to this email πŸ˜„ 

🌐 Topic Suggestion

We invite you to continue participating actively in our community as we progress. Share your thoughts, ask questions, and tell us what topics interest you. Is there a specific health condition you'd like us to cover? Are there wellness practices you're interested in exploring? Feel free to reach out to us with your thoughts and ideas. We're here to learn, share, and grow as a community of health enthusiasts. Feel free to hit reply to this email! Together, let's navigate the vast landscape of health with clarity and accuracy.

Thank you once again for being a part of our health-focused family. Stay curious, stay healthy, and stay connected!


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